Docs / RoyalBNB


RoyalBNB is the newest staking platform powered by Binance Smart Chain. RoyalBNB is built with Sustainable Features to create a stable and sustainable platform. Earn up to 17% daily Staking rewards and 10% Referral rewards.

OFFICIAL LAUNCHING DATE: Dom, 18 jun 2023, 23:38:40.


RoyalBNB is built with Sustainable Features that will protect the investments of the investors. This makes RoyalBNB different from other Staking Platforms.

Anti-whale and Anti-dump
Withdrawal Cooldown: 24 Hours
Maximum per Withdraw: 5 BNB

20% Community Fund Contribution:
Every withdrawal will auto-redeposit 20% of the withdrawal amount back to the contract. This will help the contract balance to sustain for a long time.


Staking Plans

Plan 1: 17% Daily for 10 days with a total ROI of 170%

Plan 2: 15% Daily for 20 days with a total ROI of 300%


Users also have the option to market RoyalBNB and earn referral bonuses.

Referral bonuses are automatically added to your RoyalBNB Account.

Referral bonuses can be earned once you have invested atleast once.

Referral bonuses are earned everytime your referral invests.

Direct referrals are on Level 1 at 5%.

Secondary referrals are on Level 2 at 3%.

Tertiary referrals are on Level 3 at 2%.


1. Fund your wallet with the amount of BNB(s) you would like to stake.

2. Go to to

3. Click Connect on the upper right-hand corner of the page.

4. Choose from the 2 staking plans which interest you.

5. Input the amount of BNB(s) you want to invest.

6. Click "Stake"


Funds Distribution

In order for the community to increase in growth, the following is a break-down of funds:


90% Circulating balance, used for participants payouts, referral bonuses

10% Promotion & Support Work

· 2% Development, Platform, Technical Fees

· 2% Administration & Support Work

· 6% Marketing & Promotions